How many candles does it take on a birthday cake to make a bonfire?
Well, I think I'm getting close.
Last night Amy and I got to talk on the phone for nearly TWO hours!
So I started my birthday with her.
We were talking via Skype when my cell phone rang, Dennis was calling to congratulate me as well.
He was disappointed to not be the first, he did call EXACTLY at midnight, but Amy was faster!
First thing this morning, Todd (my brother) called and we talked for nearly an hour as well. It was great to catch up and be appreciated. He's sending a great gift over! The second half of the Battlestar Gallactica season!! Yes! Thanks Todd. (I know, it's the simple things that make us excited, right?)
At my Russian lesson, I was congratulated by my professor and her two office staff. I got two small pots for salt and pepper in the traditional Russian style (black, red and gold patterns… I don't know what it's called) It's beautiful though.
My lesson was directly followed by another celebration with the teaching staff at Lingva (where I teach English). Our director also has her birthday today and even birthdays (like 25, 30, 35, 40) are called Jubilees here. So she and I both celebrated jubilee birthdays which should be bigger parties! I received a concise Russian grammar book and a set of 3 cups and spoons (one for me, one for Amy, and one for a future little-Brake!) It's very typical in Russia for people to go around the group and share their wishes and hopes for you on your birthday or at another special event. So each of them shared something… and EVERY single person ended their wishes with .. and that you will return to us, that you'll come back to Russia, … that Amy and you will return to us. We’ll be waiting. It was so wonderful to be cared for and valued in this way.
I had to rush from that party, because in typical Russian fashion, the birthday boy/girl prepares the party for his/her friends. So I cooked Chinese food for the staff at the CEC for lunch. I also had monkey bread, some chocolates, and these really yummy honey-sesame covered cashews.
After BS this evening, I went over to Sasha and Zhanna's with Ehud for another birthday celebration (I feel SO incredibly loved at this point, the only thing that wasn't perfect is the 3 time zone different between Amy and I and the 10 hour time change to family and friends!) Sasha made a special dinner (the most delicious chicken, 5 different salads, and a wonderful cake).

And then when I came home, I got to close out my incredible birthday with another phone call with Amy, and more than 50 emails, from friends, family, co-workers, and many people I've never even met (Amy emailed many of her friends and family too!) Wow.